Have you ever dreamed of dying for just a night or two? To see what it's like to be free of all the burdens of the past and present, to watch people closer, study them without any awkward reaction from them...
Sometimes I'd give a few days of my life, a week, a month, to walk the face of the Earth as a ghost. I'd watch you while you sleep or while you have a conversation with somebody, or while you sigh in disbelief that life has something more to offer, or maybe when you're crying your heart out in your fists because you just can't understand what you have done. How about I listen to you while you talk to yourself, analyzing your connections with other people, speaking your mind about your dearest ones. Hm? How would that be? Interesting to me... to gain certainties where there lie only doubt and suspicion. I'd know rather than to continue assuming and I'd probably know better what to do with you all. 'Cause there are many of you who lie to me, and I lie to you too, I admit it, but only as a response to your own attitude.
I sometimes wonder... I often behave as the mirror of others' attitude towards me, by the principle "if you lie to me, I'll lie to you" or "if you'll make me happy, I'll make you happy back" and vice versa of course. I really am your own behavior's mirror so many times, if only you could see that. And the moment I decide being otherwise is the moment in which I understand you and can show you something you can learn. And that's where conflicts begin... but oh well, sooner or later you will learn, with or without me*.
I've watched you sleep at least one time in my life and I spent those moments with good use, because when a person sleeps you can see into their soul and slip a little magic into the person's heart, unseen sparkles that bloom over time. When you watch someone sleeping, you can swear hearing his/her thoughts.
There aren't many things I regret, and not even those can be considered real regrets, but I do ponder from time to time what would it have been like to... something. The only thing I truly feel sorry about is the lack of the capacity to travel with your soul. By night.
What would it be like being close to you somewhat physically in the darkness that reveals secrets, and far away by light that allows destines to be built?