Monday, June 21, 2010

Din rabdarea Timpului si intelepciunea Mintii

1. Stop chasing shadows, just enjoy the ride.

2. I've gained the world and lost my soul; maybe it's 'cause i'm getting old.
3. Rome wasn't built in a day.
4. It ain't gonna hurt now if you open your eyes.
5. Don't stop just yet, we've got the world looking in our window.


6. Keep all your light in the dark.

7. Adevarul umbla intotdeauna cu capul spart.


8. They try hard to put me in my place and that is why I gotta keep running. The future is mine.
9. Someday you will find me caught beneath the landslides.

10. You're gonna miss me when I'm not there, you know I don't care.
11. If I am to fall will you be there to applaud or will you hide behind them all?

12. If I had to go in my heart you'll grow and that's where you belong.

13. Will you be there when I get back?

14. I'm outta time.

15. You'll never see me complain, I'll do my crying in the rain.

16. All I believe and all I've known are being taken from me back at home.
17. Feed the fire, break the vision, throw your fists up, come on with me.

18. Do your worst when worlds collide, bring no surprise.
Shout for England

19. Come on. I'm talking to you - come on if you think you're hard enough.

20. These are things I could do without.

Fort Minor

21. 10% luck, 20% skill and 100% concetrated power of will.

22. There's no contemplating, it's all negotiating.

23. I can't find the answers to all the questions inside, some things just are the way they are.

Greg Laswell

24. This one's for the torn down, the experts at the fall, come on friends get up now you're not alone at all.

25. This one's for the ones who stand, for the ones who try again, for the ones that need a hand, for the ones who think they can.

26. I'm only left to wonder why I try. It comes and goes in waves.
The Smiths

27. There us a light that never goes out.


28. My mind is playing tricks on me, I'm not as stable as I used to be.


29. A fi un prieten adevarat inseamna a pretui pe cineva si-n alte zile in afara de Pasti, Craciun si ziua lui.
30. Put some soul into what you say.

31. Adevarata arta de a iubi nu consta doar in a simti, ci si a stii sa astepti.

32. You don't need a reason for stupidity.

33. Eu nu ma contrazic cu cine nu e dispus a se contrazice cu mine.

(more to follow/va urma)

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