Friday, August 24, 2012


Why do we do this to one another, to ourselves in the end? Impulses of the moment may drive you crazy, but what if you played fair, fair to yourself and fair to others?

Why when you get out of a relationship and you suffer you try to cover your tears with another person, a donkey to bear that burden, exhibiting a happy face and lots of energy? Or on the contrary, you expose more pain than you really feel, asking for pity and destroying the others' beliefs? Why do you do that? Why do we, as humans, do that? I'll never get it and by not getting it I don't mean not understanding, but sensing it., understanding it at a whole new deep level.

Why do we hurt each other just so that we could make our suffering seem less miserable. Nobody takes responsibility for their actions at the end of a relationship, instead they choose to hit the other with all they have left. And believe me it's not a pretty sight. Take responsibility for yourself, acknowledge, heal, discover and conquer yourself. Only then can you embrace the miracle of love at its finest.