Thursday, April 2, 2009


We all know: italians talk a lot, debate, discuss, but never arrive to a conclusion or if they do, they don't have dangerous tendencies like standing out and putting a good idea in practice.

Now... this is a stupid question to ask an italian:

- Should we talk about it or keep quiet?
...It's like asking a man who has spent the last 4 days in the desert if he's thirsty...

I hate to think that people have such a good impression on 'em... but here I am, watching them in their everyday life.. and thinking - "How blind can a man be untill he gets into that situation?"...

Just goes to prove, nobody's perfect.

P.S.: this question is found in an english book for conversation ... conclusion? I'm pretty sure that it wasn't an italian to make the book, and if it was, then I think he was laughing his ass off when he saw what he had just written but decided to not change the exercise because he already knew that nobody would EVER notice the irony.

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