Sunday, October 19, 2008

Avere bisogno

And wonce again Nostalgy has left it's mark on my soul... I can't even think about the reasons why I let it into my heart. Maybe because of the need to be treasured in the way that I consider right, maybe because some feelings that are indiscribable in words can only be understood from a single glance in the eyes of the loved-one... just maybe because...

I can't tell you how much I need the presence of someone in my love live. Going to bed with no one in your mind is the worst thing that a woman can feel...and a man...but it depends. Some of us are used to solitude because we've had plenty of it, and some of us are just tired of having plenty of solitude. It's said that when you're lonely from a psichical point of view, it's best to transform you're energy into pleasureful activities, but no activity, as pleasent as it can be, can substitute the power of the feeling of plenitude...
Anyway... some day I will find what is destined for me to find, and if I don't, I'll most certainly know it.

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